
Testing, testing, is this turned on?

I leave: Sept. 8th

Countdown: 7 Days

I will be back on Mar. 9th

Any thoughts?


JT said...

nice pic. you should say photonjournalist instead of photojournalistic... fake it 'til you make it. safe travels, andyman. i look forward to reading and seeing your trip. -jt

JT said...

um, photojournalist - not photonjournalist. although that sounds kinda cool too.

erin said...

you're not gonna be back march 9th. and i don't mean that as a bad thing but you will want to stay longer and so you should. don't have toooo much fun! I AM SO JEALOUS.

Andrés Paz said...

hence forth, I shall be a photonjournalist, bombarding light particles upon the things around me and recording what bounces back...

Erin, I know I'll want to stay longer, but I'm limited by finances and malaria medication

James Devine said...

Sounds like an interesting kick start to an amazing trip.

Take care of yourself my friend, and contact me when/if you ever need anything.