
The Tag

Gary has tagged me to tell 8 random facts about myself. In turn, I need to tag others. Very well Gary, and Seraphine, I accept the challenge and give you 8 random facts about myself.

1. I have only ever one bone in my body break. My skull. I suffered a skull fracture from falling from a galloping horse that had spooked. It is reckoned that the helmet I was wearing saved me from fatally serious damage.

2. Since I was the tender age of 6, I've had every teacher that taught me English tell me I have a special gift for writing. I blame all 12 of them (not including any substitute teachers that might have said something) as the reason I keep a blog, and that I write poetry.

3. Carrying on about poetry. I only started writing in my current favourite genre (I write performance Spoken Word, also known as Slam) when I met a guy called Ben at a Red Cross Youth Conference, who introduced me to the genre. I have been writing and performing ever since.

4. I was born in Vancouver. At 2 I lived in Masset, on the Queen Charlotte Islands, from age 3 to age 8, I lived in Terrace, in northern BC, from age 8 until present, I have lived in Penticton, in the Okanagan Valley.

5. I became clincally depressed at age 14. Recovery from this lowest point in my life, started when a good friend cajolled me into coming to my first Amnesty International meeting. Everything else is history.

6. In my human rights work, I enjoy doing work that involves helping minority groups. I find this amusing as the only minority status I can claim is that I'm left-handed.

7. My favourite tea is made by the Metropolitan Tea Company, based in Toronto, and is called Royal Bengal Tiger.

8. On my trip around South America, I have been carrying around, in the interest of good photography, a Zenit-E. It is built in Russia, but, because it is at least 26 years old, the casing reads "Made in USSR." It was given to me by my dad, and wieghs a ton, giving credence to a statement made by a Russian friend just before I left "The only thing a Russian camera is good for is bludgeoning people."

Now, my tags (however, due to my lack of blog networking, I only list 3):

Dayleigh at Silly Ninjas
Matt at Some Fine Website
Damaya at The Ramblings

The rules, should you decide to accept them:
1 - Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
2 - People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
3 - At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names (I only did five, will that bring harm to me?)
4 - Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Let the games begin.


Gary said...

You're a good sport Andrew and those are some very interesting and new-to-me facts (all but a couple). I will never tease you when you are holding that camera, that's for sure.

I thought your spoken word piece at the AI meeting was great and guess what, Ben lives in Nelson and I have seen him perform a few times. He and Zoey have formed a band in which he plays stand up bass and she sings/plays piano (there are others too).

susan said...

Since I got tagged by Gary too I thought I'd look up your answers. Very neat and I hope you're having a wonderful adventure along with the good works. All best wishes for a happy and healthy new year.

susan said...

ps: Try to not drop the camera on your foot - too many little bones in one of them :-)

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