
Canadian Living

Being back in Canada, after half a year in Latin America, would definitely rank up as one of the more difficult experiences in my life. It makes the acculturation when I first started my travels seem so short and easy to deal with. Most of us have already been bombarded with how stressful and busy our lives are and how unhealthy that probably is. Well, for me, it's far worse than most can imagine. We're basically killing ourselves with our guidelines, standards, expectations, achievements, success, schedules, processes, instantaneous, deadlined, institunionalized, "healthy", low-cholestrol, trans-fat free lifestyles. And with that, I'm sure many people are going to discredit this, after all, it's hard to be critical of ourselves, which is basically what travel forces us to do if we undertake it with any kind of seriousness. We all have problems, we all make mistakes, but they're always so much easier to notice in other people than in ourselves. It seems to me too that this is largely because we fail to accept our problems as a part of our realities.

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