
Template for Opinion

I want to talk about blogs, and I suppose writing in general. I recently had to sit down and ask myself what I was writing for, and who I was writing for. For the most part, writing for the blogosphere has been a nice little activity when I felt like publicly posting my opinion and certain factoids that I've felt should be in wider knowledge, however, I've never spent a particularly significant amount of time reading other people's blogs, seeing else is out there amongst the host of cyberspace. So I concluded, that, more than writing myself, that I should spent more time reading, and find the people and things that I want to write about. Perhaps I may find some kind of breakthrough and change the way I think about writing, and perhaps start taking it more seriously.

So hello out there, look for me thumbing rides on the information highway...


Lady said...

aawww, well it was good seeing you at the Bakery for that quick moment. :)
Hope you're doing well!
Have a GOOD day!

Lady said...

Waiting for some more writing from you Mr. Munro.

